About Me

My photo
I started the Kids Clothing Trading Post back in March, 2010 with just two racks and a few bins of clothes. In just 6 months we grew to 16 racks and tons of bins with more in backstock! Finally in October we built a 10x20 shed in our yard to house the KCTP and it is fabulous! Our community has come together in a huge way and we want you to join in on the fun!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cancellation Policy

From now on if you are a No show/No call to your scheduled appointment:

  • For first time traders that don't show up and don't notify me that they will not be making their appointment, they will not be allowed to rebook and their chance at enjoying the benefits of the post are gone. 
  • For existing account traders, if you have "trades" on the books from when you purchased multiple trades, you will be deducted one trade.  If you have only credit on the books, you will be deducted 50 points from your account.  Once your account balance reaches zero, you will no longer be welcomed back to the post.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I started the KCTP as a way to give back to my community and bring families together to help each other.  And over the past year we have done exactly that.  Growing from a handful of donations to a 200 square foot shed that is overflowing with great clothes and hundreds of happy traders making their way to Port Orchard every afternoon.

It was never intended to be this big money maker, because if it could be, then someone would have done it already!  I want to keep the service open to anyone and keep it affordable, but so many people are now taking advantage of this service and are about to ruin it for everyone.

Every week, I have a handful of traders book appointments and not show up at all.  They don't call or email, they just don't show up.  I have tried the new online booking system that sends email reminders of their appointment along with my cell phone number that they can call to cancel if need be.  I've given people chances and heard every story in the book as to why they couldn't make it or call me for days.  But this has to stop.

Every time someone blows off their appointment, we all lose out.  The trader that really wanted that time slot and the fact that there went another $5 that could have gone to paying off the $4,000.00 shed that was built to help all of you.  Not to mention the fact that I work full time and commute two hours a day, then come home and spend another hour out in the shed waiting for traders that never show up, missing out on spending the small amount of time I have with my family.  But what do they care, they just see a service that they can take advantage of and that the nice lady behind the counter will let it go once again.  Well, not any more!

This is a service for our community, but it can no longer be for anyone.  This will be a service for those that respect it, respect the other traders and respect me.  I will not tolerate no shows anymore.  If you were to not show up to a date or a job interview, do you honestly think that would be okay and that you would be welcomed back next time?  In order to keep the trading post going and to keep me from throwing in the towel and saying to heck with all of it, I need to do some thinking and I need your advice.

Here are some options/ideas that I'm putting out there.  I may implement none or all of them, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.

  1. No shows/No calls.  For first time traders that don't show up and don't notify me that they will not be making their appointment, they will not be allowed to rebook and their chance at enjoying the benefits of the post are gone.  For existing account traders, if you have "trades" on the books from when you purchased multiple trades, you will be deducted one trade.  If you have only credit on the books, you will be deducted 50 points from your account.  Once your account balance reaches zero, you will no longer be welcomed back to the post.
  2. Prepaying for trades.  I'm going to be playing around with this one and see if I can link Pay Pal to the booking website so that in order to book an appointment, you must prepay for that appointment online.  The cost of the trade would go up to $7/trade in order to cover the Pay Pal fees.  But I think that if people were to prepay for their session, they will be motivated to actually show up.  If they needed to reschedule, the payment would just be applied to their rescheduled appointment.
  3. Raising the trading fee.  I could just go ahead and raise the trading fee in order to make up for the loss incurred by the no shows.  I'm not sure how much it would need to be increased to, but I need to be able to make the monthly payments on the shed, or I will be forced to shut down the post.  I would hate to do this, because it would be like punishing those that follow the rules, but it seems like the threat of not being able to trade here is not enough to keep the doors open.
I open the floor to you.  I started this by asking all of you for help over a year ago, to bring this idea to life and to make it worth it to all of us.  With your continued help and support, we've been able to keep this running and reach out to more and more parents and caregivers all over Washington and other states as well!  I realize now, that I cannot do this on my own and I need your help again.  Let me know what you think or if you have any other ideas that may solve this problem.  I really want to hear from all of you!

Friday, June 3, 2011

First Time Moms - You gals have to read this!

At some point all mothers are "First Time Moms" and with that title comes a lot of uncertainty, but one thing is for sure, we want the absolute best for our new baby!  I was there just three and a half years ago and I bought EVERYTHING new!  I just couldn't stomach the thought of putting something used on my little angel.  I went shopping like crazy and normally, I hate spending money, but I made sure that I had everything on that list I found (online of course) of all the items you will absolutely need once the baby arrives.  And it came without saying that it all had to match....the car seat, the stroller, the diaper bag, the mini diaper bag and the portable crib! 

Looking back, I wished I would have gone about it differently!

While some items I agree you should purchase new, such as car seats and bottles, other things such as clothing and bedding, you should look into getting second hand.  Here's why...

1. Babies grow fast!  Infants grow at such an alarming rate that you may not have enough time to get them into all of those cute outfits before they're on to the next size.  Some babies are even born too big to fit into newborn sizes (great! there goes that whole drawer of clothes!)  From running the trading post, I have seen so many newborn outfits come in that are brand stinking new, still on the original hangers and with the tags still on them!  Most moms say that even if you were to put a new outfit on your baby every 4 hours, you still won't be able to get through all the clothes you will accumulate for your first born.

Solution: Go crazy!  Buy all the cute outfits you want, but get them at the Trading Post.  Spend just a fraction of what you would at the mall and get it all.  That way, when your baby has outgrown them just as fast as we said they would, you won't feel sick knowing that you spend $40 on something that was only worn once!  You just take those clothes that you got such an incredible deal on back to the KCTP and trade them in for bigger ones!

2. You won't know until you know.  When I was a First Time Mom (FTM) I had no idea what I would need, so I "Googled" it!  I found list after list posted by the baby stores of must have items and I fell for it.  But the bottom line is you don't really know what you'll need until you need it. 
I bought a ton of these zipper pajamas because I thought I would need them.  I found out quick that I hated them because it was too difficult to change a diaper in the middle of the night with one of those blasted zipper pjs on!!!  So they never got used and that money went down the drain.

Solution:  Get a little bit of everything!  At the mall, a lot of the clothes are sold in packs, so you may be stuck with multiple items of something that doesn't make your life easier.  At the Trading Post, you can get a little something of everything.  Try it out, if it works great, come back and get more!  If not, no big deal, just bring it back and get something else. 

3. Babies are expensive!  There are things that I agree you should never buy used, such as diapers, food and car seats.  So why not save money where you can by spending less on clothing!  By getting all of your baby's clothes at the trading post, you will now be able to afford diapers and baby food without having to give up cable TV and your cell phone!  By saving where you can and where it makes sense, it will make the financial burden of a new family member less noticeable and result in a much happier home.

Solution: The Kids Clothing Trading Post has an amazing variety of infant clothing.  All of the items are in excellent condition and so very affordable.  I cannot stress to you how much money you'll be able to save if you just take advantage of the post!  My favorite thing new moms say when they shop at the post is "Urgh, I just paid full price for this at the store!!"  That's when I tell them, "I hope you saved the receipt and you can take it back!" 

So to all of my FTMs out there that are maybe just a wee bit curious on what the Kids Clothing Trading Post could offer you, just take a chance and come check it out.  If it's not for you, no worries there's no cost if you don't like it.  But I'm pretty sure that you'll find something that will tickle your fancy and you'll feel really good about saving money!

From one mom to another, this is a really good idea and I'm not just saying that because it's my idea! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Big News

Hello Traders!

Some big announcements here, so I’ll get right to it!

The trading post will be closed for three weeks in April including Easter (4/11 – 5/4)!! So if you are planning on stopping by to stock up on Spring attire, please be sure to make your appointment soon! There are a bunch of open trade times right now, but I’m sure once this email goes out to the hundreds of traders out there, they will start to fill up fast! Click here to get to our booking website now!

Saturday Trading on April 2nd from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM!! Since the post will be closed for most of April and I haven’t been able to open for a Saturday in March, April 2nd will be a big day and I am going to try to get as many of you traders in as I can! Spots are limited, so PLEASE keep your appointment. Here’s how it is going to work:

Option 1: Trading In and Trading Out
***If you are going to bring in clothes to Trade In, then you will need to schedule a 30 minute appointment by visiting our booking website here. Remember that trades are limited to one small box (diaper box size) or shopping bag (reusable size) and that there is a $5.00 trading fee.

Option 2: Trading Out ONLY
***If you are going to use your credit already on the books to Trade Out ONLY, then you do not need an appointment. Just stop in between 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM and start shopping. The $5.00 trading fee will still apply. If you would like to know how many credit points you have, please email me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Option 3: Cash Purchases
***If you are looking to make Cash Purchases only, then you do not need an appointment. Just stop in between 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM and start shopping. Since you will not be using credit points, the $5.00 trading fee DOES NOT apply.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me and I hope to see you all very soon! Remember to log on as soon as you can to book that appointment, don’t say I didn’t warn you……

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Facebook Fans Celebration!

This week we hit 350 fans on Facebook and we are going to celebrate!

This Saturday, February 5th for 3.5 hours (10:00 AM – 1:30 PM) we will be hosting an Open House for a fee of only $3.50!!

What’s an Open House you ask? Well, it’s a chance for you existing traders to come by and spend the credit you already have on the books! You don’t even need an appointment, so come early before the sizes you’re looking for are gone! Plus, you’ll be able to shop as long as you like for just the flat fee!

If you don’t have existing credit and would like to just come to shop, you are more than welcome! Our prices are low and the baby selection is huge!

We’ll be shutting down right at 1:30 PM, so don’t wait for the last minute! And remember, I won’t be taking trades in that day; it will just be a change for those with existing credit to spend those points for a reduced fee!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cancellation Policy

With appointment times limited to just 4 per day, it is very important that everyone make it to their scheduled appointment.  However, we understand that unavoidable things come up and cancelling your appointment becomes necessary.  We ask that you notify us as soon as possible that you will need to cancel your appointment so that we may offer that time slot to another trader.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations may be made online up to 3 hours before your scheduled appointment.  To do this, just click on the link provided in the confirmation email you received after booking your appointment online.

If you are unable to cancel online, you MUST contact Michele preferably by phone (360) 689-3142 or by email or Facebook to let us know that you are cancelling your appointment.

  • As an existing trader, if you are a "No Show, No Call", the trading fee will be deducted from your account.
  • As a new trader, if you are a "No Show, No Call" TWICE, you will not be allowed to return.

We reserve the right to refuse service to those that are habitually "No Show, No Call".

Monday, January 3, 2011

Now Open M-F 3-5PM by Appointment Only

Happy 2011!!  I have started the year off with, get this, another job!  After reflecting on 2010 and the income potential from the trading post, I have decided that I need to take on another job in order to make ends meet at home. 

What this means to you is that I will only be able to take 30 minute appointments Monday - Friday between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM.  That's 4 appointments a day and they can fill up fast, so please book them as soon as you can!  You can book your appointment up to 14 days in advance.

I have also moved to a different online appointment booking system that will allow you to view dates and times that are available and receive immediate email confirmation of your appointment.  No More Email Tag!!  Love it!  You can get to this site by clicking on the "book now" button to the right. 

Once you're there, you can choose to either schedule a "Trading Appointment" or "Shopping Appointment".  Click on either one and you'll be able to select a date on the calendar, then time slots will appear on the right.  Choose a time that works for you and then enter in your information.  Click continue and then confirm your information.  Once you've clicked on "Confirm Appointment" a confirmation email will be sent to the email you provided!

I will have one Saturday a month that I will be open for appointments so be sure to look out for those dates on the calendar if you are unable to make it through the week!

Thanks so much for your support through 2010 and let's make 2011 even better!

Happy Trading!